Chair of the Coalition
Richard Diaz

Work Force Development
Our goal is to create training and employment pathways so those from the most lead affected neighborhoods will be equipped and employed to do the lead abatement work necessary to make Milwaukee a lead safe city.
If you are interested in joining this committee you can email Conor Williams at [email protected].

Chair Report Feb 2025:
Chair Report Feb 2025:
Our goal is to seek an end to childhood lead poisoning in Milwaukee through policy changes, legislative action, governmental accountability, and infusion of substantial private/public funding for strategic work.
This committee meets on the third Thursday of each month at 12 noon on zoom.
If you are interested in being on the e-list of the Advocacy Committee or simply want to learn more, contact: Rev. Dennis Jacobsen at [email protected]

Education and Engagement
Our goal is to get the message out about lead poisoning prevention into the community at large. The COLE Education Committee meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 1:30 pm on Zoom. If you are interested in joining this committee email Chris Keim at [email protected].

Chair Report Feb 2025:
COLE Parents Lead
Our goal is to engage and support parents and families that have been impacted by lead poisoning. If you are interested in this committee email Shyquetta McElroy at [email protected].

About Us