Our mission is to prevent and respond to lead poisoning in Milwaukee through partnerships with families impacted by lead poisoning, faith leaders, neighborhood- based organizations, environmentalists, health care systems, academics, workforce development providers, non-profits, community activists and dedicated volunteers.
Our vision is to create a sustainable lead-safe Milwaukee for families to live, work, learn, play and pray.
we are a collective of nonprofits, environmentalists, educators, doctors, community members, and civic activists
Black Leaders Organizing for Communities (BLOC), Clean Wisconsin, Community Advocates, Community Water Solutions, Congregation Shalom, Dominican Center, Findley Foundation, Green and Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI), Green Homeowners United, Hephatha Lutheran Church, Interfaith Earth Network, Leaders Igniting Transformation (LIT), League of Women Voters of Milwaukee County, Midwest Environmental Advocates, Milwaukee Inner-city Congregations Allied for Hope (MICAH), Milwaukee Repertory Theater, Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association, Milwaukee Water Commons, Racine Interfaith Coalition, Revitalize Milwaukee, Sherman Park Community Association, Sixteenth Street Community Health Center, Sister MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary, United Way of Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha County, Walnut Way, Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities, Wisconsin Conservation Voters, Wisconsin Green Muslims, Wisconsin Public Health Association
with four focuses

providing support, resources, and direction to COLE teams as they implement community wide lead education

Workforce Development
informing neighbors about how they can better themselves and their community through lead abatement training

creating change in our city through civic legislation, partnerships, and practices

COLE Parents Lead
organizing parents and families that have been impacted by lead poisoning